DocEmpowered has a singular purpose: give doctors the financial power to serve their patients, families, and communities on their own terms. We are a virtual, physician-owned, 100% fiduciary and fee-only financial planning firm focused solely on helping physicians master their finances and live the lives they deserve. Welcome to the next generation of financial planning for physicians.
DocEmpowered’s three-step process is designed to educate, coach, and mentor you until you become the role model other physicians turn to for advice on not just money – but a life well lived. No minimum net worth or financial knowledge necessary.
Our 12-week physician-specific process that forms the cornerstone of our next-gen financial planning model.
An optional service designed for results-oriented physicians who want guidance, accountability, and mentorship as they implement their DocEmpowered Foundation plan.
An optional service designed for DocEmpowered Premium veterans who are far more financially empowered, don’t need nearly as much help and want to be rewarded with a massive discount in financial planning fees.
A husband and father dedicated to the wellbeing of my Baltimore community, I am also a practicing part-time cardiologist, a medical educator, and an advocacy leader for physicians in Maryland. Financial wellbeing empowered my family to align our careers and lives with our values, and I became the Founder and Principal Financial Planner of DocEmpowered to help fellow physicians discover that same power for themselves.
Just as a physician’s career follows different stages, so too does a physician’s financial wellness. Understand yours will help you identify the best strategies to align your life with your values.
Read more → Podcast episode with the American College of CardiologyAs physicians, we do each other a disservice if we don’t talk openly about money. In this episode of the American College of Cardiology’s (ACC) “Practice Made Perfect” podcast, I discuss with ACC leaders…
Read more → Physician’s Ultimate Guide on Choosing a Financial Planner Part 1There are many physicians who do wonderfully without a financial planner. The obvious benefit is that you save money on fees and expenses….
Read more →As a former academic, I mentored many students and residents who wanted to get into an adult cardiology fellowship. But one of the most important things I did as a mentor was to lead one of my mentees AWAY from adult cardiology.
Read more → Physician’s Ultimate Guide on Choosing a Financial Planner Part 2Choosing between wildly different financial planners can be an overwhelming experience when you don’t know what’s out there….
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